Visit Rural Morocco | Authentic Experiences in Souss Massa

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The Souss-Massa region is a unique area that is known for its semi-arid Mediterranean climate, with various land types from deserts, oceans, forests, and wonderful mountains. The region’s northern side is dominated by the Atlas Mountains, characterized by a humid to semi-arid climate as it progresses towards the plain. The latter occupies the lower relief of the Atlas mountains as well as the Souss and Massa Valley, with an arid climate despite a wide opening on the Atlantic. Finally, the southern and southeastern part of the region is the northern side of the Sahara, covered by a desert climate. Rainfall in the Souss plain has averaged 250 mm over the last 10 years and 350 to 400 mm on the highlands. In the south of the region, the Sahara tends to be dry, only for it to green up after 2005 thanks to heavy winter rains, particularly in 2009-2010.


Literary Arabic or classical Arabic is the official language, with Amazigh or Berber being the second spoken language. Dialectal Arabic, “Darija” is the mother tongue most used by Moroccans plus French that is spoken by most Moroccans, due to it being a legacy of a colonial influence from 1912 to 1956. English is likewise popular in schools, hotels, restaurants, and stores for tourists whereas the Spanish language is mostly spoken in the northern and extreme southern regions of the country that experienced Spanish colonialism after 1912.


The main religion in Morocco is Islam, which is the state religion, encouraging people to coexist with all other religions and live in a peaceful society.


Morocco belongs to the time zone: UTC/GMT+1 all over the year plus UTC/GMT+0 in Ramadan as an exception.



Since 1882, the Dirham (DH) has been the national currency in Morocco, with every dirham having 100 cents. There are coins in circulation of 5, 10, and 20 cents and 0.5, 1, 2, 5, and 10 DH and in bills worth 20, 25, 50, 100, and 200 that have writings in Arabic and French. You can exchange all currencies into Moroccan dirhams at any bank in agencies, airports, and hotels throughout the country.



Major banks are open between 8:30 am and 3:30 pm mainly BMCE bank, Credit du Maroc, Wafabank, Société Générale SGMB, and Banque Populaire are available in every city in the country, with the easiest way to get cash on either is to use your Visa or credit card at one of the banks’ ATMs. Credit cards are accepted at most banks, most hotels, brand-name stores, restaurants, and supermarkets.



Most government offices and public administrations ought to work hours from Monday to Friday, from 8:30 Am to 4:00 Pm.




The electric current is 220 V everywhere in Morocco. Provide a suitable adapter for two cylinders (the French type).



In Morocco, public holidays are as follows:

o New year: 1st
o The Independence Manifesto: January 11.
o Labor Day: 1st
o The feast of the throne: July 30.
o Liberation of Oued Eddahab: August 14.
o Revolution of the King and the people: August 20.
o Youth Day or the birthday of King Mohamed VI: August 21.
o Commemoration of the Green March: November 6.
o Independence Day: November 18.

Religious holidays also generate public holidays:

o Eid al-Fitr or Eid Saghir (celebration of the end of Ramadan): the date varies according to the lunar calendar.
o Eid al-Adha or Eid El Kebir (Commemoration of the sacrifice that God asked Abraham to test his faith): the date varies according to the lunar calendar.

Image : The green march 


The Internet is widely available free of charge in hotels, cafes, and restaurants which can be used by guests who bring their own devices. For only a few Dirhams, you can also access the cafe’s internet if there is a need to use a computer.


Tipping is, without being obligatory, expected everywhere mainly in hotels, restaurants, cafés, by guides, porters, and also parking attendants as well as those who render you small services. Of course, this depends on your satisfaction and generosity; if so, make sure you have a small change.



Cell phones are widely used in Morocco. There are three different operators; Network coverage is generally good, International roaming prices are expensive so it is best to get a local SIM card that allows you to receive free incoming calls including cheaper international calls. To dial the international call: 00 + the country code + the number of your correspondent. By calling Morocco from abroad: 00 212 + is the number of the correspondent.



The Kingdom benefits from a relatively developed transportation system. To travel from one region to another, you have the choice to choose between train, bus, cab, car rental /plane/ rail transport. The Moroccan railway network is today the most modern network in Africa. It consists of a general north-south orientation linking Oujda in the northeast to Marrakech in the center-south, via Fez, Meknes, Kenitra, Rabat, Casablanca with railways serving Tangier, Nador, Oued Zem, El Jadida, and Safi. The Tangier-Casablanca high-speed line, via Kenitra and Rabat, entered into service in 2018. It is the first high-speed line in Africa. The streetcar is also possible only in the two following cities: Rabat and Casablanca.

Road transport:

Several bus companies attach to Morocco’s major cities granting different levels of comfort at relatively affordable prices. If you plan to make a long trip, you can book your tickets online like CTM buses available as an example. You will also find large and small cabs with prices generally vary according to the type of cab and the traveled distance. The rates are fixed, and small cabs cannot leave the city limits they operate in. Larger cabs are not metered and can cover long distances. To be in control of your trip, you can rent a car as long as you have a valid driver’s license plus you will find car rental agencies in most Moroccan cities. To rent a car, you will need to present your identity card or passport and an international payment card as a guarantee.

Air Transportation:

Many airlines serve the different cities of Morocco. The country has several airports that greatly facilitate regional and international transport. Some companies also offer local flights from one city to another. The largest airport, accessible by train, is outside Casablanca.




In case an emergency takes place, you can use the following phone lines free of charge:

o Emergencies: 112.
o Police: 19.
o Royal Moroccan Gendarmerie : 177.
o Firefighters: 15.