Visit Rural Morocco | Authentic Experiences in Souss Massa

Berber flavors and colors of Souss Massa

  • 8days
  • 8/10
  • 12+
  • Gastronomy
  • Anytime
  • Agadir, Massa, Tamri, Inzerki

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Berber flavors and colors of Souss Massa has received 0 reviews with an average rating of  out of 5



Very good









Review stats

Berber flavors and colors of Souss Massa has received 0 reviews with an average rating of  out of 5



Very good









Arrival at Al Massira airport in Agadir

Departure to Sidi Rbat in Massa  , crossing the plain of Souss Massa

Arrival at La Dune Hostel, facing the Atlantic Ocean

Installation and information meeting

Swimming and/or walking on Massa beach (if arrival is not late)

Dinner and overnight at the Auberge La Dune

9:00 AM : Hiking from Sidi R’bat  to Benzarne to discover the ornithological circuit (bird watching)

11:00 AM : Visit of Tigmi Lejdid to discover the local crafts of basketry in the Massa Valley, local souk if Tuesday

12:30 PM : Lunch at the “Restaurant Oued Massa”

2:30 PM : Direction Sidi Wassay, discovery of the green valley of Massa

                 Walk and relaxation in Sidi Boulfdail, discovery  of the fine sand dune and panoramic view of the ocean

4:00 PM : Visit of the women’s mountain goat cooperative in Jouaber, tasting of local cheese

5:30 PM : Return to Sidi Rbat to watch the sunset

                 Dinner and overnight at the Auberge La Dune in Sidi Rbat / or Fanti in Sidi Wassay

9:30 AM : Departure for Tifnit, discovery of the panorama and visit of the fishing village.

                 Hiking in Rokein Game Reserve  to observe wildlife

11:30 AM : Departure to Aourir, known for its traditional cuisine restaurants

12:30 PM : Lunch in Aourir, visit of the center and the souk if the day coincides

3:00 PM : Departure to Tamri, via the Atlantic coast and its localities (Taghazout, Imi-Ouaddar, Cap Ghir)

4:00 PM : Discovery and walk in the Tamri banana plantation  with a member of the local cooperative

             Dinner and overnight at Tamri House Inn (menu: soup, tagines and Tamri bananas)

9:30 AM : Departure for the lake from the Moulay Abdellah dam, passing through dune landscapes and mountain villages (Igui Imzil, Akerkao, Sidi Mhind Ouchen)

10:30 AM : Arrival at the lake, information on sustainable fishing and aquatic biology

11:00 AM : Preparation, installation on site and start of sustainable fishing activity

Dinner and overnight at the Imazighen Inn, a u menu: Harira soup, fish tagine and dessert

08:00 AM : Departure to Imouzzer des Ida Outanane, visit of the Ighalen valley  and tasting of local fruits

10:00 AM : Departure to the palm grove of Tiskji, tea at a local’s house and visit of a traditional olive oil press

12:30 PM : Lunch at the hotel des cascades in Imouzzer

2:00 PM : Departure to Tiqqi and the  SIBE of Ain Asmama, discovery of beautiful landscapes and visit of the largest collective traditional apiary in the world in Inzerki

4:00 PM : Visit of the apiary and tasting of local products, then departure to Tazarine

6:00 PM : Arrival and installation at Zolado’s hostel  in Tazarine

            Dinner and overnight at the Zolado hostel

8:30 AM : Departure to Tazarine, visit of a traditional house and continuation to Mesguina

10:00 AM : Visit of the honey house “Manahil Souss” in Tiourar and direction Aglagal

11:00 AM : Visit of the women’s cooperative of Aguerd in Aglagal and hike to the gorges of Azrarag

1:00 PM: Homestay lunch in Aglagal, relaxation, then departure to Tighaninimine Elbaz

3:00 PM : Arrival at the Atlas Kasbah Ecolodge and installation, possibility of activities on site

5:00 PM : Cooking workshop at Atlas Kasbah, mint tea ceremony

        Dinner and overnight at the Atlas Kasbah ecolodge, Berber evening

Morning : Discovery of the organic garden of the ecolodge, direction the argan forest and visit the ancient village of Tighanimine El Baz

12:30 PM : Lunch at a local’s house in the village of Tighanimine ElBaz, then return to the Ecolodge

Afternoon :  possibility of initiation to Tadelakt, pottery, or visit of Agadir

Dinner and overnight at the Atlas Kasbah ecolodge, astronomy evening