Visit Rural Morocco | Authentic Experiences in Souss Massa

The Waterfalls of Imouzzer

A beautiful oasis set in the magnificent Atlas Mountains of Morocco, the Waterfalls of Imouszer in the Valley of Idawtanan, is a perfect place to take a break from the more frequently visited tourist attractions. Only 60 kilometers north-east of Agadir, these waterfalls are magnificent during the spring when they are at their most powerful since at that time of the year the seasonal rains come to the benefit of their flow. On the waterfall’s sides, nature shows its beauty in rich vegetation, which enables visitors to hike or simply rest and enjoy nature. The small Amazigh communities are contributing to the attraction, enabling tourists to have a better understanding of the old times and way of their life. The waterfalls that we are proud of are not only the place for rest and relaxation, but also they have a significant role to play in the local ecology, as well as community-based tourism.

Journey into the Atlas

The trip to the Waterfalls of Imouzzer from Agadir, which is as enchanting as the destination itself, passes through the different views of the High Atlas Mountains. The route starts with barren coastal plains and moves through to verdant valleys, and passes through towering, steep mountains. A large part of the trip is dedicated to looking at picturesque argan and olive groves, which are an icon of the agricultural history of the area. The meandering trails, albeit narrow, end up to spectacular sights of Berber settlements poised on the hills and fascinating terrace farming systems which have nourished these communities for a long time bring about more understanding of the perpetuating Berber culture.

The Cascading Beauty

The Imouzzer waterfalls, silhouetted against the harsh background of the Atlas mountains, are a natural spectacle of great splendour, especially in spring when they pour over ten-metre basalt cliffs. The main waterfall releases a great curtain of water, which comes down to almond-shaped natural pools below. These ponds, warmly accepted by the rich and dense forestion, sharply differ from the open, harsh mountain, thus showing the great range of ecological speecies of this region. A habitat for both flora and fauna fills with life and activity around the falls, providing additional value as a source of natural attraction and calmness. This astonishing place will give visitors the chance to experience this calm atmosphere and to recover leisurely through natural charm.

Activities for Everyone

The area around the Waterfalls of Imouzzer is a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts:


Hikers have a diversity of trails to choose from. Some cater for those who have a low fitness level like along babbling brooks or even a deeper bike ride while others are very difficult by taking an ascend along craggy slopes. Every way opens up the panoramic views and the possible chance to encounter local wild animals.


For instance, the region is full of compositions that are perfect to put a photographer in motion. The flow of light through the foliage, the vision of the waterfalls alongside, and the vibrant hues of green create a backup scene for both an amateur and a pro photographer. The dramatic transformations of the landscape through the changing seasons are the reasons there aren’t repetitive impressions of two visits.

Bird Watching

Whilst for bird watchers, there is a huge collection of bird species they can observe, for others, the main attraction is the surrounding nature. The aquatic environment near its water can be safe for numerous types of birds and the same is true of the wooded area just above the fall through their many different habitats. Tourists would certainly be able to recognize such birdings species as raptors and melodious birds made by them sitting under the trees, a key attraction for all birdwatchers of whatever category they belong; scientists, amateurs or tourists.

Local Flavors and Crafts

Imouzzer Kandar is a vibrant epicentre of Berber culture that lies a short distance from the waterfalls, as well as being known for its lively weekly market, where locals sell a range of products showcasing the region’s rich culinary and craft traditions. Honey is one of the most famous products to be found in this village. Although, due to the region’s particular climate and fertile soil allow for a diverse flora, which in turn influences the distinct flavours of the honey produced here.

Sustainable Tourism

Given the increasing attraction to this untouched spot, local officials and community groups are keenly working on sustainable measures to make sure that tourism benefits the local economy without harming the natural or cultural treasures of the region. Including initiatives such as environmental education, sustainable recycling, waste and environmentally-friendly tourism activities.

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